
GoBeyond Blog

Derived from the Latin root amplius, meaning to go further, Amplia Group aspires to #GoBeyond our clients’ expectations.

I #deletedfacebook

Photo by Rob Hampson on Unsplash

Photo by Rob Hampson on Unsplash

By Kathy Kyle Bonomini, Partner

Well, sort of. I created a professional, public profile so that I could continue to manage my client's pages. But I have no longer have a personal presence on the platform. I found that I was managing campaigns for my clients using my personal account and conducting outreach and speaking to hundreds, if not thousands, of people - strangers - for communications projects.

Recently I spent a week at a National Trust property, the first designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) in Wales. There was little to no WiFi. I didn't access any of my social media channels and much like the wild ponies roaming around us, I felt truly free from the echo chamber. It was a lovely break.

I am not suggesting that we abandon social media as a communications channel. Facebook is a valuable platform despite its leadership's shortcomings that reaches many key influencers, stakeholders and decision-makers. It can reach, target and influence key demographics in communications campaigns. I can't ignore the channel and my client's can't afford to, either. Google Analytics validates this time and again when I review traffic sources for my clients. The public isn't ignoring it, despite many cries to #deletefacebook.

What we must do is to craft integrated communications campaigns that balance one:one and one:many online and offline channels while always putting the needs and communications preferences of the audience front and centre. We should put our audience first and conduct research on how they prefer to communicate; and then select the channels that are the most effective for the goals of the project and for the very people we are trying to reach, influence, or persuade to act.

I created my Facebook account in 2009 when I was the Marketing and Communications Director for Capgemini Public Sector. I was the Management of Change Communications Chair and I thought it would be a useful way for public and private sector leaders to network, share thought leadership and stay connected. Much has changed since then but the need to engage and motivate people to act remains.