Alexandra Barto Bio

Alexandra Barto


Alexandra Barto
Senior Associate

Alexandra Barto has joined the world of communications from a background of Fine Art practice.

)) Messaging, stakeholder engagement and analytics, specialising in employee and digital communications.

)) Previously Internal Communications and Employee Engagement Associate at Lockheed Martin UK, with prior freelance roles in messaging and branding.  

)) Developed and launched a new and rebranded network to seven UK businesses, doubling online employee engagement. Led a global Benchmarking IPT team and delivered strategic planning and measurement recommendations to the global senior leadership team. Managed a country tour for the worldwide CEO-elect. Created and ran various campaigns including benefits restructuring and the annual corporate outreach strategy. 

)) BA in Fine Arts with further study in developmental psychology and communications/PR.  

)) Stone sculptress, mother, and lover of paper books.

)) Has tried hot air ballooning, microlites, diving, parasailing, and travelling alone. 

)) Get in touch via